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Recovery Toolbox

Welcome to the Infidelity Recovery Center Toolbox. Choose from a variety of Dr. Huizenga’s best reports!

Change Your Marriage Now:

Transform Your Marriage in the Next 72 Hours

Do you think it will take a miracle to save your marriage or relationship? Have you tried and tired, gone the extra mile but still feel the pain, distance and frustration? Do you continue to recycle your marital garbage? If so, you are not alone. Another question: do you believe in magic? Magic is nothing more than shifting to another perspective that you haven’t considered or experienced before.

Cheater, Cheater, Affair Repeater

Affairs are messy. They are always selfish and very painful. There is a high possibility that someone close to you is, or soon will be, involved in an extramarital affair. Statistics suggest that 40% of women and 60% of men, at one point, indulge in extramarital affairs. Cheater, Cheater Affair Repeater is a great introduction to the seven types of affairs.


Dare To Be Honest

This exercise helps you identify specific fears and barriers to engaging your spouse or significant other in a positive manner. You will Begin to note and identify when and where you fears or blocks emerge in communication with your spouse. You’ll also begin to make shifts and alter your fears, enabling you to communicate more powerfully with your spouse or significant other.



A 4 Part Process to Get Your Partner’s Attention without Asking, Naggin, or Manipulating

A laughingly simple strategy that jump starts the good feelings in your marriage or relationship. Ease the tension between you and your partner, end the cycle of negativity, increase affection, strengthen the desire to be together, start to anticipate hearing from one another, and know each other more deeply.


Find Your Lasting Emotional Connection without Losing Your Freedom or Power

Experience that lasting emotional connection and intimacy in your marriage or relationship of emotional investment that brings powerful moments of personal and mutual satisfaction and joy without losing your personal freedom and personal power. Yes, it is possible to create such a relationship. And, it’s not as difficult as you might think.


Love 101

Are you in relationship because you choose to, not because you need to? Do you feel heard and respected by your partner, even if you disagree? Do you let yourself feel angry and express it truthfully? Do you have a vision for your life that includes your partner? These are a few of the practical questions that elegantly zero in on the most important aspects of your relationship.


How to Get Your Personal Needs Met

It is possible to have all of your needs permanently met. Now, that might make your life just a bit too effortless, but we hear that people find some rewarding way to fill up the time that is freed up when not chasing needs.


Q&A with Dr. Huizenga

A compilation of infidelity Q & A, answered and addressed personally by Dr. Robert Huizenga, The Infidelity Coach. This report addresses common questions dealing with internet cheating, emotional affairs, dealing with the other person (OP), children of affairs, and more…