Trusted Online Infidelity Specialist since 2001
Authored First and Best Selling (over 50,000 copies sold) E-book, “Break Free From the Affair.”
95% Success Rate

So… the Affair Means They have “Fallen out of Love” with You and “In Love” with Someone Else? NOT!!!
Come to understand that the affair is NOT YOUR FAULT
Sleep a little better at night and feel less overwhelmed with the pain
I think i just had my “bing” moment!! Oh my gravy, Dr. Bob it all makes perfect sense now. I mean I know the work isn’t done, not by a far stretch, but after reading this I felt a sudden calm fall over me that I’ve never experienced!! Suddenly I can breathe!!! THANK YOU FROM BOTTOM OF MY LESS ACHING HEART!! THANK YOU!!!
I have felt like a hamster, trapped in a wheel, going around and around through despair, anger, confusion; wondering how this could have happened, what I did wrong, what to do next etc… Your material is just fantastic and you will never know how much you have helped me through this terrible painful time.
This knowledge helped to saved my marriage . Much grateful.
This is my deep heartfelt appreciation for all the assistance and empowerment you helped with. I agree with you when you say ” the affair might have been the best thing in marriage.”
It’s been about 4 weeks since D-Day for me and I am crying tears of pain and joy. I just ready your manual and I am thankful to have someone else say I am not responsible for my spouse’s betrayal. It’s hard to believe but I keep telling that to myself. I am going to re-read it many times.
Bob——-I want to thank you for your wisdom. My wife has really stepped up to the plate and we have been making great progress. I believe we are going to take our marriage to the next level.
Your writings not only saved my marriage, but also my life. My pain is still not over, as I discovered that my wife of 20 years has been having long term affairs on the side for 17 of these years, including the period over which we were having children. I read your materials over and over, and they helped tremendously to understand her problems as well as mine. It’s taken me a year and half to get myself together, but my new business is thriving and we are still together. And perhaps for the first time we are ‘really’ together.
Each day is a new day, but I realize there is so much I need to learn about myself and why I got in the situation to begin with. I was glad to find your website and I’m glad that today your newsletter was here.
So… the Affair Means They have “Fallen out of Love” with You and “In Love” with Someone Else? NOT!!!
Come to understand that the affair is NOT YOUR FAULT
Sleep a little better at night and feel less overwhelmed with the pain